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R955791365 |
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Altenburg, Germany, Deaths, 1876-1950
Ancestry Family Trees
Berlin, Germany, Births, 1874-1908
Berlin, Germany, Deaths, 1874-1986
Berlin, Germany, Marriages, 1874-1936
Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971
Eastern Prussian Provinces, Germany [Poland], Selected Civil Vitals, 1874-1945
Germany and Surrounding Areas, Address Books, 1815-1974
Germany, Find a Grave® Index, 1600s-Current
Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1518-1921
Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1567-1945
Germany, Military Killed in Action, 1939-1948
Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
Germany, Volksbund, Indexes of Victims of War, WW1 and WW2, 1870-1955
Hamburg, Deutschland, Geburtsregister, 1874-1901
Hamburg, Deutschland, Heiratsregister, 1874-1920
Hamburg, Deutschland, Sterberegister, 1874-1950
Hessen, Deutschland, ausgewählte Geburtsregister 1851-1901
Landkreis Ostprignitz-Ruppin, Deutschland, Sterberegister 1874-1971
Magdeburg, Deutschland, Sterberegister, 1874-1950
Rhineland, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1533-1950 |